Manuscripts must represent original work and may be written in English or Arabic. All text should be typed double-spaced including the summary, the references, as well as table and figure captions. Articles not written in Arabic will be accompanied by a summary in Arabic, not more than 200 words to be typed on a separate sheet. The text should be divided into Title page, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions (optional), acknowledgment (optional) and references. Fused results and discussion are acceptable only for a short article. The text is followed by figure captions, tables, figures. The electronic supplementary material may be uploaded as separate files.
Title Page: The title page should include the following information:
Title of the Article
Make the title brief, informative, attractive, unambiguous and related to the subject of the article.
The name(s) of the author(s)
A concise and informative title
The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the author(s)
The e-mail address, telephone, and fax numbers of the corresponding author
Provide an abstract of 200 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, briefly, present the topic, state the scope of the experiments, indicate significant data and point out major findings and conclusions. Please remember that the abstract must be usable as a stand-alone document which presents the major results and conclusions of the article, using simple, factual statements.
Keywords: Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes
The introduction should state the reason for carrying out the study presented in the article, the questions under consideration, and it should outline the essential background.
Materials and Methods
The materials and methods section should provide sufficient details about the applied methods and techniques to allow replication of all parts of the study. Standard techniques and approaches do not need to be described in detail; use references to previously published methods and techniques instead.
The results section should state the results in a logical way, drawing attention to important details shown in tables and figures. Please use factual statements and avoid discussing the results in this section.
The discussion section should point out the significance of the results in relation to the questions and hypotheses presented in the introduction, and it should place the new findings in the context of other relevant work.
Conclusions (optional)
In this section, authors may concisely describe the main contribution/ outcome of the research and give a clear explanation of its importance and relevance.
Acknowledgment (optional)
The authors should state gratitude to funding foundations and institutions as well as people who made efforts to help you in conducting the experiments or improving the manuscript
Figures and photographs
Figures and Line drawings such as graphs and maps should be submitted as vector graphics, which are clear at all magnifications. Graphs should be saved as EPS or PDF files, not as JPG, TIF, or other pixel-based formats. Maps should be made using vector graphics such as Adobe Illustrator. The output of scientific software programs should also be saved directly as vector graphics whenever possible printed on the glossy article. Photographs, whether color or black-and-white, should be submitted in TIFF or EPS format.
Contributors should present the minimum number of plates consistent with adequate presentation of the subject. The finished size of the plates will be at maximum 11 x 20 cm. Lettering on maps, graphs etc. should be such size that they will not be less than 2mm high after reduction. Magnifications should correspond to the finished size of the plate and not to the original size as submitted. Photographs are best submitted in the exact size, which is desired to be reproduced. All unnecessary parts should be trimmed away.
The legends to figures and graphs should be typed separately from the illustrations. Tables should have serial numbers and bear headings describing their contents and should be comprehensible without reference to the text. The units of data, e.g. percentages, cc, mm, etc., should be given at the top of each column and not repeated on each line of the table.
References are to be verified against original sources and identified in the text by the author’s name and year of publication, examples. Double-check that all references in the manuscript text are in the references list and vice versa and that they agree in spelling and year.
In the text, cite references in chronological order (oldest first); within a given year, order them alphabetically (e.g., Jones and Gil, 2010, 2014) (e.g., Ashton et al., 2011; Brown, 2011 and Jackson, 2012, 2014). Single author: Jones (2014) or (Jones, 2014). Two authors: Jones & Gil (2014) or (Jones & Gil, 2014). More than two authors: Jones et al. (2014) or (Jones et al., 2014). Manuscripts accepted for publication but not yet published: Jones (in press) or (Jones, in press).
In the references list, references should be listed alphabetically by authors and chronologically under each author. References by single authors should always precede those by the same authors in combination with others irrespective of the chronological sequence.
Journals citation: The author’s name should start with surname followed by initials, the year of publication, the title of the article, the full name of the periodical (italics), the volume number (Bold) as well as the page numbers as follows:
Bard, A. (1995) Electrophoretic studies of seed protein in relation to chromosomal criteria and relationships of some taxa in Trifolium. Taxon, 44, 183-191.
Badr, A., El-Shazly, H.H., Watson, L.E. (2008) Origin and ancestry of Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrine L.) as revealed by AFLP markers. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 55, 21-31.
Book and book chapter citation: References should include the author’s name (s) (s) (surname and initials), year of publication, the title of the book, the publisher’s name and place of publication. Review books should include, in addition, the editor (s) name (s) as follows:
Esau, K. (1976) "Plant Anatomy", 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, New York, USA.
Stebbins, G.L. (1974) "Flowering Plants: Evolution Above the Species Level". Belknap Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Soltis, D.E., Soltis, P.S., Doyle, J. [Eds.] (1999) "Molecular Systematics of Plants II: DNA Sequencing". Kluwer, Dordrecht, Netherlands.
White, T.J., Bruns, T.D., Lee, S.B., Taylor, J.W. (1990) Amplification and direct sequencing of fungal ribosomal RNA genes for phylogenetics. In: "PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and Applications", pp. 315-322, M.A. Innis, D.H. Gelfand, J.J. Sninsky, T.J. White (Eds.), Academic Press, San Diego, California, USA.
Dissertations citation: The title theses should also be in regular with an indication whether its material was published or not.
Hamouda, M. (2012) Genetic variation of commercial varieties and hybrids of pea(Pisum sativum L.). Ph.D. Dissertation, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt.
Symposium proceedings
Wiersema, J.H. and Leon, B. (1999) Taxonomic information on cultivated plants in the USDA - ARS Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Proceedings of Second International Symposium on the Taxonomy of Cultivated Plants in Seattle, Washington, USA. Also, at website
Websites (no print version)
Heap, I. (2006) The international survey of herbicide resistant weeds [online]. Website [accessed 00 Month Year].
Holmgren, P.K. and Holmgren, N.H. (1998) onward (continuously updated). Index Herbariorum. New York Botanical Garden. Website Herbariorum.asp [accessed 00 Month Year].
Cover Letter
A letter must accompany the manuscript, and it must contain the following elements in the order listed below:
Manuscript title
Name of the corresponding author
Names of all other co-authors
Type of manuscript (research article, review article, short communication)
A paragraph explaining why your manuscript is appropriate for the Egyptian Journal of Botany
The names and contact information, including e-mail addresses, of three possible reviewers
A statement confirming the manuscript, or its contents in some other form, has not been published previously by any of the authors and/or is not under consideration for publication in another journal at the time of submission.
Notes for Payment
Upon receiving the final acceptance for Publication Letter, From Egypt: a sum of 4000 EGP and From Outside Egypt: a sum of 400 $ (in addition to paying for value-added services + extra pages fees if any) is to be paid through the following Bank Account:
Egyptian Botanical Society
National Bank of Egypt (Ahly Bank of Egypt)
Cairo University
Account No.: 1643070693025700013
IBAN of account of Egyptian Botanical Society: EG290003016430706930257000130
SWIFT Code of Cairo University Branch - National Bank of Egypt is NBEGEGCX164