Moustafa, A., Elganainy, R., Khalil, Y., Mansour, S., Zaghloul, M., Abd El-Ghani, M. (2024). New Floristic Records and Species Diversity in North Sinai, Egypt: Monitoring Changes During Last Fifty Years (1974-2024).. Egyptian Journal of Botany, 64(4), 200-218. doi: 10.21608/ejbo.2024.302995.2911
Abdelraouf A. Moustafa; Roba Abdelhakim Elganainy; Yasmin Samir Khalil; Samira Rizk Mansour; Mohamed Saad Zaghloul; Monier Mohamed Abd El-Ghani. "New Floristic Records and Species Diversity in North Sinai, Egypt: Monitoring Changes During Last Fifty Years (1974-2024).". Egyptian Journal of Botany, 64, 4, 2024, 200-218. doi: 10.21608/ejbo.2024.302995.2911
Moustafa, A., Elganainy, R., Khalil, Y., Mansour, S., Zaghloul, M., Abd El-Ghani, M. (2024). 'New Floristic Records and Species Diversity in North Sinai, Egypt: Monitoring Changes During Last Fifty Years (1974-2024).', Egyptian Journal of Botany, 64(4), pp. 200-218. doi: 10.21608/ejbo.2024.302995.2911
Moustafa, A., Elganainy, R., Khalil, Y., Mansour, S., Zaghloul, M., Abd El-Ghani, M. New Floristic Records and Species Diversity in North Sinai, Egypt: Monitoring Changes During Last Fifty Years (1974-2024).. Egyptian Journal of Botany, 2024; 64(4): 200-218. doi: 10.21608/ejbo.2024.302995.2911
New Floristic Records and Species Diversity in North Sinai, Egypt: Monitoring Changes During Last Fifty Years (1974-2024).
1Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University
2Botany Dept, Faculty of Science
3Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismalia, Egypt
4Botany and Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University
North Sinai is a location of ecological significance because of its physiographic changes and environmental gradients. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the recent alterations in the floristic structure and composition of North Sinai brought about by humanity and the current drought revealing new records with a comprehensive investigation of the life form and conservation status of each of the collected species. For three successive years (2022, 2023, and 2024), field trips were conducted seasonally from May to October. Ten localities were selected throughout North Sinai from El- Qantara to Rafah, in addition to El-Hassana and Nakhl areas to represent wild vegetation. This vegetation is characterized by the dominance of four large families: Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae revealing that therophyte is the most prevalent life form among plant species belonging to various families. The vegetation survey of these localities included list of species and evaluating the conservation status of species with elaborating the life form of each plant species. Five-hundred and twenty-two (522) species were recorded belonging to 307 genera and 66 families estimating that the number of weeds is in constant increase. The recorded species included seven endemic species belonging to families: Apiaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae and Lamiaceae. These endemic species comprised threatened and endangered species that must be conserved and deeply studied to prevent the risk of extinction including Caralluma sinaica, Ferula sinaica and Spergula fallax. Fifty-two species are new records conducted during the course of our study in the different localities of North Sinai.